Interacțiunea angajaților români cu piața muncii
Sentimentul de apreciere la locul de muncă este cel mai important factor de retenție
Sentimentul de apreciere la locul de muncă este cel mai important factor de retenție
Studiul realizat de Cult Research pe un eșantion de 400 de persoane cu vârsta în intervalul 25-65 ani, prin metoda CAWI, în perioada 14-19 august 2024, arată cum mașina rămâne
A market and social research company looking for the optimal solutions for each of its partners and brands.
We make sure that we follow these steps in every research and every stage of it to deliver the expected results, as we know best, through agile.empathy
A market and social research company looking for the optimal solutions for each of its partners and brands.
We make sure that we follow these steps in every research and every stage of it to deliver the expected results, as we know best, through agile.empathy
© 2024 | Cult Market Research is part of Cult Group. Besides Cult Market Research, the Group contains three entities which are: ISSPOL (Institutul de Studii Sociale si Politice), Call2B and ARENAS (NGO).